


       自2013年以来,一直从事电化学储能(超级电容器、水系电池)的基础研究工作,以第一作者在Nano Energy、Journal of Materials Chemistry AChemical Engineering Journal、Applied Surface Science、Dalton Transactions 等国际著名期刊上发表SCI检索论文8.




1. Si-Wen Zhang, Bo-Si Yin, Yong-Zheng Luo, Lei Shen, Bao-Shan Tang, Zongkui Kou, Xixia Liu, Da-MingGu, Zhen-Bo Wang, Hao Gong, Fabrication and theoretical investigation of cobaltosic sulfide nanosheets forflexible aqueous Zn/Co batteries. Nano Energy 2020, 68, 104314.

2.Si-Wen Zhang, Bo-Si Yin, Xi-Xia Liu, Da-Ming Gu, Hao Gong, Zhen-Bo Wang, A high energy densityaqueous hybrid supercapacitor with widened potential window through multi approaches.Nano Energy 59(2019) 41–49.

3.Si-Wen Zhang, Bo-Si Yin, Chang Liu, Zhen-Bo Wang, Da-Ming Gu, A low-cost wearable yarn
supercapacitor constructed by a highly bended polyester fiber electrode and flexible film. J. Mater. Chem. A,2017,5, 15144-15153
4.Si-Wen Zhang, Bo-Si Yin, Chang Liu, Zhen-Bo Wang, Da-Ming Gu,A lightweight, compressible andportable sponge-based supercapacitor for future power supply.Chemical Engineering Journal 349 (2018)509–521.
5.Si-Wen Zhang, Bo-Si Yin, Chang Liu, Zhen-Bo Wang, Da-Ming Gu, Self-assembling hierarchicalNiCo2O4/MnO2 nanosheets and MoO3/PPy core-shell heterostructured nanobelts for supercapacitor.Chemical Engineering Journal 312 (2017) 296–305.

6.Siwen Zhang, Bosi Yin, Zhenbo Wang, Feng Peter, Super long-life all solid-state asymmetric supercapacitorbased on NiO nanosheets and α-Fe2O3 nanorods.Chemical Engineering Journal306 (2016) 193–203.

7.Si-Wen Zhang, Bo-Si Yin, Chang Liu, Zhen-Bo Wang, Da-Ming Gu, NiMoO4 nanowire arrays andcarbon nanotubes film as advanced electrodes for high-performance supercapacitor. Applied SurfaceScience 458 (2018) 478–488.